It seems a shame that on the whole, only children get to enjoy the delights of party bags. Being able to take home a few goodies is always exciting, no matter what age you are, so why don’t more adults put together a few meaningful items for their friends after a celebratory gathering?
Admittedly, adult party bags have the potential to get quite expensive, but if you carefully pick out a few things that you know the recipients will enjoy, costs can be kept down! To really keep things in a tight budget, think about home made gifts you can include, and hand written cards and messages that will bring smiles to your friends’ faces!
Another temptation when it comes to small, inexpensive gifts, is to lean towards plastic items. This really doesn’t need to be the case however, as there are some wonderful eco friendly items on the market for £6 or less – perfect for gifting to your friends without breaking the bank, and great for the planet. Here are a few top picks, all carefully selected from wonderful ethical online store, Babipur.
Turtle Bags
Turtle bags are incredibly useful and can be used for pretty much anything, from carrying the laundry around your house, to holding the groceries, to living in the car for those times when you need an emergency bag. While they make a wonderful addition to any grown up gift, they can serve as the party bag itself and hold all the other goodies inside! These bags come in lots of different colours, and have different handle lengths to choose from to suit your needs – they also hold a surprising amount of stuff!

Shower Blocks
Giving a Shower Block as a gift is a great twist on the age-old gift giving traditions of grandparents worldwide – giving everyone soap. Shower Blocks, however, unlike a regular bar of soap, are truly delightful. Not only are they ethically produced, but they smell sublime (unless you opt for the scent free version), can be used as body wash or shaving gel, and have a really unique texture when wet that makes them fun to use!

Klean Kanteen straws
Metal straws have become all the rage recently, but Klean Kanteen straws are top tier reusable straws. Unlike other brands, the straight metal straw is topped with a bent silicone top piece, meaning no teeth on metal feeling! Packs of two are available which is a perfect small gift that anyone can make use of.

Ethical chocolate
Ethical chocolate is a must when it comes to party bags, and thankfully there are plenty of different types to choose from so there is something for everyone, even if you need a free-from bar! Tony’s Chocolonely is a great bet if you’re not sure where to start. There are plenty of delicious flavours to choose from, and bars come in a sharing size, or you can choose a multi pack of smaller, individual sized bars – perfect for divvying out among friends!