Did you know that this week is compost week? No? Neither did we! However, now that it’s on our radar, there has never been a better time to talk about the rise of compostable packaging and how to deal with this along side our regular food waste.
More and more companies are actively working on their packaging to make it as environmentally friendly as possible. Sometimes, this means you’ll see the words ‘compostable packaging’ written somewhere on the side of a packet or box. While that always seems like a great thing, it’s always worth taking a closer look to see if any additional information is offered.
If, on closer inspection, you notice that something says it’s industrially compostable, you shouldn’t be tossing it into the compost bin in your garden. Food waste bins that are collected by councils are sent off to be industrially composted which involves a heating process – this is different to home composting.
If something claims to be ‘home compostable’ then in theory you should be good to go. If you are lucky enough to have a compost heap, you can keep tabs on how long it takes for something to decompose. A number of keen gardeners and keen environmentalists have conducted their own home experiments to see just how ‘home compostable’ things really are.
If your ‘home compostable’ waste is true to its word, you should be able to throw it in with your food waste to decompose. Composting your waste like this is fantastic for the planet, and isn’t too difficult to get started with if you’re new to the world of composting.
Various ingenious home composting kits have started popping up on the market, some of which are designed for those without a garden or outdoor space. Thanks to these innovative inventions, composting has never been easier (although admittedly it is still probably a little easier if you do have an outdoor space).
Get started on your own composting journey this Compost Week
We’re not going to give you lots of tips and tricks about how to compost, because we’re not experts. We will, however, direct you to The Modern Milkman. Not only does the Modern Milkman deliver much more than just milk to your doorstep, but they also know an awful lot about composting, which can be found on their blog. Take a look at the blog to find out how to get started, read tips, and find out all about worms!
We will leave you with some words from Simon Mellin, CEO and Founder of Modern Milkman:
“A study published by Materials Recovery stated that in the UK alone, we generated ‘over 9.5 million tons of food waste in 2021, with 70% coming from households.’ By composting, the nation can turn their trash into treasue by removing garden and uncooked fruit and vegetable waste from regular disposal.
“Composting is not only a great way of disposing of food waste, it is also a completely natural procedure that requires very little effort. In terms of your home, composting will rapidly make your bin bags lighter and less smelly. This means no more nighttime squabbles over who gets to take out the bins, plus the satisfaction of knowing you’re doing your part to minimise your negative environmental impact. It’s a win-win situation!
“The compost created can also be used as a natural fertiliser. It can improve the structure and health of the soil and allows it to retain moisture and nutrients, helping the growth of lawns, trees, bushes, flowers, and houseplants.
“The method of home food waste disposal may appear daunting to a newbie, but it is actually quite simple!”